Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Immediate Release

The Robin Press Main Web Page has a new look.
Please fill free to check it out
and let me know what you think.

Town Hall Meeting for Health Care

Peter Defazio
(the guy in the middle with the grey baseball hat:
Please forgive view, I am short)
talking about health care reform
@ Cottage Grove Town Hall Meeting

Thanks to Cottage Grove for being so courteous
and willing to listen to all members of the community.

I hope we will be able to find a solution.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Return to the Studio - Lupus Journey

A new wolf journey begins.....

The wolf symbolizes free will,
the ability to escape, unity and toughness.
They also represent loyalty and friendship.
Often wolfs are leaders and run in packs.....
My own pack is again fighting.
Fighting to help my mom against a huge battle with Cancer.
Wish us your best....

This image will be shown in Groundwaters magazine's next edition.
Groundwaters is a non-profit quarterly literary journal
which showcases the writing and artistic talent of people throughout
Lane County, Oregon and beyond.
Their theme for the August edition is Journey.
Check out their web page at www.groundwaterpublishing.com.

Special thanks to
Jennifer Chambers and Pat Edwards for all their support.

Summer Adventure: Siletz Pow Wow

This is my friend, Frankie, dancing his heart out.

This is some of the folks he was dancing with.

At this Pow Wow gathering we were lucky to see and meet the
13 Indigenous Grandmothers...
Amazing ladies and people...
Thank you for letting me be a part of it...

Want to learn more about the grandmothers:
Carol Schaefer has written a book called
"Grandmothers Counsel the World:
Woman Elders Offer their Vision for our Planet"

A great tribute to my own grandmothers...

Summer Adventure: Bi-Plane Ride

What a great day for a Bi-Plane Ride...

Summer Adventure: Waiting on a Old Friend

This is Heather, an old high school friend, and myself...
We found each other again on Facebook and
were able to spend a lovely time in pdx..

Summer Adventures: the OCF experience

Hanging with my family at the Oregon Country Fair....
Always a treat...
My favorite family member is my nephew, Corbin...

Summer Adventure: Funny Sunset & Futurism

My favorite piece from futurism was the little dog running...
I couldn't help but try my own with this pink light from the sunset...

Summer Adventure: Experiments in Futurism

Lucy, a dear friend of mine, came back to Oregon for a great visit...
and spurred a little futurism experiment

Odessa is Here

Welcome to the world Odessa...
and Congratulations to Ben and Taylor!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Birds of a Feather Flock Together Show

"Missing Bird"

Springfield Museum, Springfield Oregon will present a group exhibition called
"Birds of a Feather Flock Together"
from September 1- 30, 2009.
The artist talks and reception will be on
Friday,September 11th from 5:30 to 8:00 pm.
I will have two pieces included "Missing Bird" and "In a Dream."
Hope to see you there.
Guest Curator Shannon Weber.

Staying Cool at the River

Loki & Max Coolin off in the heat

Have you been wondering what has been happening @ Robin Press...

Well, to tell you the truth I have been enjoying summer. I thought it might be good to sit by the river and chill. But things are starting to heat up again...

Just a Big Thank You

Nick Working

I just wanted to say thank you to Nick and Ann for all their help and letting us take over SideShow for our show.